The Genealogy Journey

The newbie genealogist's resource for books, mags, databases, and -- of course -- any free research stuff to be found on the Internet.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

I'm a Lot Farther Ahead Than I Realized

I’ve had to change some of my expectations about my genealogy search. Although I knew my father had recorded some family history, I didn’t realize how extensive his research was. He said he has over 1,000 names in Family Tree Maker.

So what’s a gal to do? I’m all fired up for the job, and I’m not going to quit. My dad says he’s hit a few dead ends. Maybe I can help with those. He also hasn’t traced back his family (McCauley) back to Ireland. Maybe some European research is called for here.

Here were my original goals when I started the blog:

· Get acquainted with the people, forums, and tools that focus on genealogy.
· Share my family’s history and memories.
· Provide helpful tips as I learn from experience.
· Bring my own extended family closer together by tracing the genealogy trail.

I don’t see any of these goals changing. As the only daughter in my family, it will probably fall to me to safe-keep the family records. I want to know what is there before I take over such a task.

Okay, onto my next subject …

Another subject that’s interesting is the final format of all this information. Right now, my family’s history is stored in an electronic file on my father’s laptop. What I would like to see is a scrapbook with the names and data from our family. Another idea would be to create a PDF (portable document format) that included the same photos and data. That would be easy to email to all of our extended family.

Now maybe some stuff like this already exists out there. I don’t want to re-invent the wheel, so over the next few days I’m going to be doing some research on genealogy tools.

I’ll report back soon.

~Mary Kaye


At 9:46 PM, Blogger Leah said...

You're fortunate to have such a huge head start, Mary Kaye!

When my parents retired, I gave them all kinds of tools to trace their geneaology - books, computer programs, etc.

Neither of them felt compelled to do it, so I'll have to start from scratch.

Great blog!

At 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mary Kaye,

I've got Family Tree Maker also and I think it's great. There is also a family book option and scrapbook on it along with pretty cool looking display trees.

It's pretty user friendly and forgiving of mistakes (easy to fix in other words) so even a novice can do it.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do - and I really need to get back into mine - the old folks are leaving at an alarming rate!



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